Noble Garden Academy recognizes the innate and inherent needs of children. Our elementary program strives to fulfill the needs of the child by targeting six basic areas of development: spiritual, psychological, emotional, social, physical, and cognitive development.
What is the method of Learning at Noble Garden Academy?
The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: “The example of guidance and knowledge with which Allah (Most High) has sent me is like abundant rain falling on the earth. Some of which was fertile soil that absorbed rainwater and brought forth vegetation and grass in abundance. (And) another portion of it was hard and held the rainwater and Allah (Most High) benefited the people with it and they utilized it for drinking (making their animals drink from it) and to irrigate the land for cultivation. (And) a portion of it was barren which could neither hold the water nor bring forth vegetation (then that land gave no benefits). The first is the example of the person who comprehends Allah’s Religion (Islam) and gets the benefit (from the knowledge) that Allah (Most High) has revealed through me (the Prophet ﷺ) and learns and then teaches it to others. The (last example is that of a) person who does not care for it and does not take Allah’s Guidance revealed through me (he is like that barren land).” (Sahih al-Bukhari)
Noble Garden Academy facilitates a full-time Islamic learning program aligned with the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL). The K-8 learning plan overview integrates Virginia SOLs with Islamic Education that foundementanaly includes four elements: Islamic History, Qur’an, Arabic, and Jurisprudence throughout the teaching and learning experience and is envisioned as Islamic Studies encompassing all the foundational elements. The enduring objective is for students to obtain academic excellence and understand their Religion (Islamic way of life) and how to seek knowledge.